Understanding Employee Net Promoter Score (eNPS)
People analytics have been embraced throughout the globe, as companies are using a data-driven approach to retain and engage employees, to ensure their business’s success.
There are many different ways that people analytics can be used to improve employee retention and engagement, but we want to talk about one of the most important internal metrics. The ENPS, a valuable metric that can serve as an internal glassdoor review, of sorts, to help companies understand more about what are some of the reasons that their workplace can improve.
What is an Employee Net Promoter Score?
An employee Net Promoter Score (eNPS) is a measure of how likely they are to recommend their employer to friends or family. It’s a valuable metric for gauging employee happiness and engagement, and can be a helpful tool for identifying potential issues within your organization.
If you’re interested in calculating your company’s eNPS, there are a number of online tools that can help you do so. Additionally, many employee satisfaction surveys now include an eNPS question, so you may already have data that you can use to calculate your score.
Employee Net Promoter Score methodology
At its core, eNPS is calculated using a simple questionnaire that asks employees to rate their likelihood to recommend their employer on a scale of 0–10.
- Promoters (9–10), are your engaged and happy employees who are likely to spread positive word-of-mouth about your company.
- Passives (7–8), are generally satisfied but unenthusiastic employees who may be open to new opportunities.
- Detractors (0–6), are unhappy employees who can actively damage your company’s reputation through negative word-of-mouth.
To calculate your company’s eNPS, simply take the percentage of Promoters and subtract the percentage of Detractors.
eNPS can be a valuable metric for employers for a number of reasons. First, it’s a good indicator of employee happiness and engagement. If you have a high eNPS, it’s likely that your employees are happy with their job and are less likely to leave your company. Additionally, a high eNPS can be a good marketing tool, as satisfied employees are more likely to promote your company to friends and family.
eNPS can be a helpful tool for identifying potential issues within your organization. If you have a low eNPS, it may be indicative of problems with management, pay, or company culture. By identifying these issues early, you can take steps to address them before they cause long-term damage to your business.
Promoters represent happy customers and are essential for companies looking to grow. Passives are not as useful because they aren’t loyal advocates but also aren’t actively complaining about your products or services — they’re just not particularly excited about them either way. Detractors are a problem because they represent unhappy customers that may lead other people away from your brand if they don’t improve their service offerings soon enough.”
How to calculate the eNPS score
Once you’ve collected your data, the next step is to calculate the eNPS score. Divide the percentage of promoters by the percentage of detractors, then subtract that number from 100.
To determine whether or not your company has a good employee NPS score, simply compare it to other companies in your industry. If you’re performing better than average, you’re doing well!
Employee Net Promoter Score benchmark
Benchmarks are standards. They are useful because they help you know how your business is doing compared to others. However, benchmarks are not a target, goal or strategy. They do not tell you what should happen in the future, but rather provide insight into where you currently stand by comparing your data to similar companies in your industry.
While benchmarks can be an effective tool for identifying areas for improvement, they should never be used as a measurement of success or failure — because every business is unique and has its own set of challenges that may not be applicable to other organizations in the same space.
Benchmarks can also give employees a sense of urgency; when they see that their company has fallen behind competitors on key metrics like employee turnover or customer satisfaction (but not profitability), it’s easier for them understand why new initiatives need to happen quickly so that they can catch up with the leaders in their market segment.
How often should you survey?
You should be surveying your employees at least once a year. This will give you an idea of how they feel about their job and the company as a whole. You can use this information to improve employee retention, increase productivity and make your workplace more fun for everyone.
At least once a quarter (three months) is ideal, but if that’s too much of a time commitment for you, consider surveying your employees at least once per month. As long as it’s not so frequent that it starts seeming like “busy work,” even weekly surveys are fine as long as they’re set up correctly and don’t take too much time away from important tasks like doing actual work or enjoying yourself on weekends off from work (if your job allows).
Using Pulse Surveys to Help Improve eNPS
Your eNPS is a good way to measure how your employees feel about their jobs, but it’s not the only metric you should be tracking. You also need to know what’s causing those score changes so that you can take action to improve them.
One way to do this is by using pulse surveys. These are short, focused surveys that you can send out on a regular basis (weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly) to get quick feedback from your employees on specific topics.
Pulse surveys are an excellent way to track employee engagement and identify issues early on before they become bigger problems. They can also help you understand why certain NPS scores are high or low so that you can take action to improve them.
Collecting Employee Feedback to Improve eNPS
If you want to improve your eNPS, you need to collect feedback from your employees. Using an employee feedback management platform you can create surveys, collect responses, and track changes over time. This will give you the insights you need to make changes that will improve your eNPS score.
There are many different EFMPs available, so it’s important to choose one that’s right for your business. Look for a platform that offers features like survey templates, question libraries, data export, and integrations with popular business software.
You also want to make sure the platform is easy to use and has good customer support in case you have any questions or problems. Once you’ve found a platform you’re happy with, create a survey and send it out to your employees. Collect their feedback and use it to improve your eNPS score.
How can whistleblower and ethics hotlines improve eNPS
Whistleblower and ethics hotlines can improve eNPS by giving employees a way to voice their concerns about unethical or illegal behavior without fear of retaliation. These hotlines provide a safe and anonymous way for employees to report wrongdoing, which can help improve the overall culture of your organization.
If you suspect that something unethical or illegal is happening at your company, you should report it to a hotline. These hotlines are confidential and can help you anonymously report your concerns. This will help improve the overall culture of your organization and make it a more enjoyable place to work.
Remember, eNPS is only the beginning
Remember, eNPS is only the beginning. An eNPS score can be an important indicator of how well you’re doing but it is not a magic pill or silver bullet that you can use to measure your success.
You don’t want to go through all this work just to have a number that has no meaning to anyone but yourself. Never forget: eNPS is not the end of the journey — it’s just another step forward on your path toward creating an effective employee engagement program at your organization!
Collecting Feedback is a Good Start
It’s important to remember that employee satisfaction surveys are not a cure-all. They are the beginning, not the end of your employee experience journey. Use the data you gather in your surveys to help you make decisions about improvements to your workplace that will benefit employees.
And be sure to communicate these changes with employees — along with how their feedback made them possible — to reinforce good survey practice and create a culture of continuous improvement and listening.