Managers Guide to Work-Life Balance

Jeffrey Fermin
8 min readAug 12, 2020

Is work-life balance really possible? Or is it just a myth?

It’s something that we all struggle with. It’s hard to let go and completely shut off from work, what does shutting off say about your attitude or engagement level? As a leader, do you subconsciously judge employees by the number of hours they put in?

If I work from home for three days straight, is something wrong with that?

I think everyone would agree that they’d like more time to spend with their family/friends, but why is this such a big issue?

Is it the fear that exists in most companies that holds us back?

Both leaders and employees themselves are responsible for finding some work-life balance.

It’s not sustainable to overwork yourself. I’ve witnessed employee burnout before and it’s not pretty. On both occasions that I’ve seen it, the employee had to take months off of work. They were physically sick because they couldn’t find that balance.

It’s also not financially beneficial. In the short-term, maybe you’ll get an employee to work a few more hours than you’re paying them for, but long-term, if they get sick and need to take months off of work, it will be horrible for you.



Jeffrey Fermin

Howdy 👋🏼 I’ve been in HR Tech since 2011 when I co-founded Officevibe (left 2016) | Trying to make the future of work the present | Let’s talk people ops 💬